The first two book? Finished them in a rush, one after the other, from cover to cover.
This one? I didn't want it to end, but when I started, I didn't want to stop reading either. I did put it down a couple of times, however, for example when it appeared as if Spook was going to "go over to the darkside". It didn't matter how well you thought you knew the character, Branden Sanderson had me actually believing that this character I loved so much could die, and maybe worse would actually help Ruin in it's quest to destroy the world.I didn't put down for very long though! No matter how badly I didn't want to know what catastrophe was waiting to happen.
The way Brandon Sanderson build this amazing world and its inhabitants made me forget for a minute that there were no such things as allomancers in the real world. He found an almost perfect ballance; fast paced scenes that makes you feel like you are the one fighting, followed by touching scenes that made me fall in love with not just the warrior side of the characters, but the whole package.
I laughed, I cried. I fought with them, I despaired with them. Most of all, fell in love with this amazing ragtag thieving, world saving crew and those that joined them in their struggle for freedom and survival
O M G. the only thing I can think about is that now I have to wait AGAIN!!
anyway. I loved it! It can be very difficult to continue building a story after sort of finishing the "sub-story" in the first book. Susan Ee did this almost perfectly. yes I say almost. why? no one is perfect.
the journey of penryn is funny, touching en sometimes just kick ass. the way she struggles with the whole situation, her mam, her sister and of course not, maybe, okay, just missing Raffe makes her a character that I love. As she is just 17 I had a bit of difficulty believing that she had no problem whatsoever sacrificing everything for her sister especially seeing how Paige ended up at the end of the first book. In this book she was struggling with this very thing. while sometimes she wishes to just be "normal" and walk away from it all. the situations, her integrity and plain stubbornness forces her on which makes it more believable for me.
Raffe changed a bit, which is understandable for anyone who read the first book. I love how he struggles with his feelings, his honor and the rules. The glimpses we see of the memories in the sword allow us to better understand him and appreciate him even more. However I wanted to see a bit more of him, but that could just be my inner drooling girly girl.
there were also some favorites from the first book. Dee and Dum (yay) Mom (uhh I'll stay away from her) and others. they create a whole world, give penryn the pushes she needs when she needs them and raise questions about how far you can go and what you are willing to do when the end of the world has arrived.